Wednesday, May 30, 2012

 It has been a very long time since I posted anything on my blog.  In fact it has been so long that I forgot how to spell my blogger name and forgot my password.  

So much has happened.  I quit my job, moved to Arizona, couldn't find a new job, and am now attending college full-time.  There is so much going on in my life and so many choices have been made.  I found it important to re-enter the world of blogging because I have some things to say.  Life.  What a ride!  Tomorrow I will sit down and bleed my heart.  It's late so until then I will try to get some sleep.  Life.  I love my life but....ah yes, the proverbial but.  We will get to that tomorrow.

A Day In The Life of Me

I went on seven interviews in ten days with two different companies. I can't even believe this is my life.

 Five years ago I was finally out of a relationship. It was never a great relationship, it was more pragmatic which is good for some people but not for me. Today I won't talk about that relationship. Just know that when tried, it failed. I found out I had breast cancer and was left with no man, no home, no job, and nearly killed in the process, literally.

The initial shock of knowing that someone I'd spent every moment of my life with for nearly three years would disconnect on a sickness, was the most intense betrayal I've ever felt in my life. The details are too difficult to talk about. He was my lifeblood for.... never mind. See, this is where it gets weird. I am a lover, I believe in love. I've never told someone I loved them and didn't mean it. I learned that some people can. My life is mine and I love. Forever.